The Seven Warning Signs That Somebody May Be a Bad Hire for Your Business


In a rush to hire someone new? It’s not reason enough to breeze through your hiring process. Choose your candidate carefully.

There are many reasons why companies rush through job interviews to fill certain positions. But one unlikely reason has to do with the interviewers themselves. 

Not every business owner or team leader is a great interviewer who can immediately gauge who’s the right fit for the position. That’s why they fail to maximize this part of the hiring process. 

As a result, hiring a bad candidate becomes likely.

To ensure you find the right person for the job, look out for the following warning signs during the interview that indicate a potentially bad fit for your business.

Sign #1. Evasive Answers

Job applicants who have nothing to hide give straight answers to straight questions.

It’s best to be wary of those that give evasive answers. Someone who doesn’t give clear and concise answers when faced with simple topics may be a bad hire.

Sign #2. Questionable Track Record

There’s more to interviews than reading a resume and asking questions. It’s also essential to ask and check for references who can confirm a candidate’s capabilities.

Someone with a questionable track record may have a wealth of knowledge but not necessarily the execution skills.

Sign #3. Bad Attitude

Some people walk into an interview with a bad attitude from the start. 

A person who makes many negative remarks or has nothing constructive to say has a high potential to be a bad hire.

Sign #4. Doesn’t Share the Same Values

It’s critical to find someone who shares the company’s values. After all, it’s a characteristic that will help the new employee fit in.

Candidates who don’t have the same goals or values may not put in the work.

Sign #5. Seems Like the Best You Can Get

Your gut feeling should also matter during an interview. 

Employers can become desperate to make a new hire, that’s why it’s common for them to rush things and pick candidates that are decent but not great. 

If a person only seems like the best available choice at the time, that shouldn’t be reason enough for hiring. Waiting for a better candidate may be a better choice.

Sign #6. Unclear About the Job

When someone comes in for an interview, they should know everything about the position and the role.

You want a person with experience in the same or a similar position. More importantly, you want someone who doesn’t need you to explain the job description or your expectations.

An applicant without a firm understanding of the job won’t likely be a good hire.

Sign #7. Being Late for the Interview

For things to run smoothly in any company, your people need to stick to a schedule. That’s why a tardy interviewee is unlikely to make a good employee.

Being late for a job interview likely indicates an inability to commit. However, it’s also essential to get the full story behind the lateness before a definitive yes or no.

Don’t Rush the Judgment

There are three big mistakes that interviewers tend to make. That would be both overestimating or underestimating candidates and settling for average candidates. 

It’s always best to know all the facts and learn to spot the signs that tell you more about the interviewee. Your goal should be to determine the person’s potential influence in your business in the long run.

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